
Big Head Jokes

Brace yourselves, dear readers, as we venture into the hilariously vast landscape of Big Head jokes! In a world where bigger means better, what could be more splendid than a cranium that’s a tad… oversized? From heads that have their gravitational pull to those that might need their zip codes, Big Head jokes offer a realm of humor that’s as expansive as the foreheads they jest about. So, grab your oversized hat, ensure your neck is ready for the weight, and dive headfirst (quite literally!) into this realm of rib-tickling head-humor! 

Best Jokes For Big Head 

Your head is so big, I bet you can’t even stand up straight most of the time. Because of the weight.

Your head is so big…… Your hat size is “Please, no!”

“When I was young I told my parents I wanted to be an astronaut.

They just told me “”Dear, you could never be an astronaut. Your head will never fit inside the helmet”””

“Your head is so big that people mistake you for a real-life bobblehead toy.”

“You should be doing aspirin commercials, you’d be a star”

“You must need a mattress as a pillow”

“Your head is so big that underneath your passport photo, it reads “to be continued on page 2″”

“Your head is so big if it were a bowling ball, score a strike every time.”

“Your head is so big, your ears are in different time zones.”

“Your head is so big it keeps the rest of your body from getting tan.”

“Your head is so big, you don’t have dreams, you have movies.”

“Your head is so big I don’t have to zoom to find it on Google Maps”

All the kids make fun of me,” the boy cried to his mother, “They say I have a big head

Your forehead so big, even Dora can’t explore it.

Your forehead so big, when they measure your temperature they say you have global warming.

Your forehead so big, I could land an aircraft carrier on it.

Your forehead so big, I could watch a movie on it.

Your forehead so big, your dreams are in 3D.

Your forehead so big, the Snapchat filter didn’t even know where to put the damn horns.

Your forehead so big, you can build a parking lot on it.

Your forehead so big, a group of friends can even play wii sports on it.

Your forehead is so big, a group of friends can even play Wii sports on it.

Your forehead so big, the teachers use it as a whiteboard.

“What do a sinking ship and how big your head has in common?


“Why can’t HumorNama share a lot of forehead jokes?

They are too long, you wouldn’t get them.”

“What does a big-headed kid want to become when he grows up?


“Why do big-headed students hate Maths?

It is way over their heads.”

“Remember the young child with a large head whom everyone called “Pumpkin head”?

Eventually, my body grew into my head. Now everyone calls me “pumpkin man”.”

“Why do big forehead people never go broke?

They can always rent out parking spots on your forehead.”

“Why does god love big forehead people?

He gave them one face and started clearing off a place for another.”

“Why are some confused looking at a large forehead?

They are trying to figure out if that’s the forehead or the moon.”

“What is the biggest achievement of a mountain climber?

Successfully climbing your forehead.”

Your head so big, your ears are in different time zones.

Your forehead is so big the photo on your Driver’s License says “To be continued on the back.”

Your forehead is so big I bet your dreams are in IMAX.

Your forehead is so big it’s a $20 taxi ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.

Your forehead is so big it gets home before you do.

Your forehead is so big your entire face is on your chin.

Your forehead is so big your mom spent half of the time in the delivery room giving birth to just your head.

Youre forehead so big NASA thought it was Mars.

Your forehead is so big you could roast meat on it.

Your forehead is so big that if Michaelangelo ever started painting frescoes on your forehead it would take him four years to complete it.

Your forehead is so big it’s like your face started melting.

“Your head must have its own gravity well”

“Don’t let luke skywalker see your head, he’ll fly a spaceship up your nose”

Why did the Big Head become an astronaut? Because they wanted to explore the space that their head takes up!

How does a Big Head find a hat that fits? They have to custom order it from the circus!

Why did the Big Head refuse to go on a roller coaster? They didn’t want to risk their head getting stuck in the safety bar!

What did one Big Head say to another at the party? “I hope they have a buffet, my head needs its own plate!”

Why did the Big Head go into the restaurant business? They wanted to create a menu with “extra large” portions for themselves!

What did the Big Head say when asked if they could join a boy band? “Sorry, my head takes up too much spotlight!”

Why did the Big Head become a weather forecaster? They always know when it’s going to rain because their head acts like a built-in umbrella!

What do you call a Big Head at the beach? The shade provider for everyone around them!

Why did the Big Head join a marching band? They wanted to be the bass drum without needing any instruments!

What did the Big Head say to the small hat? “I’d wear you, but I think you’d get lost on my head!”

Your forehead is so big it makes Kanye West’s ego look tiny.

Nobody has asked you to give them ‘head’ because they wouldn’t feel comfortable receiving such a big donation.

That’s one hell of a solar panel on your head, but you wear it great.

Your forehead is so big, that you could use it as a billboard.

Your forehead is so big that NASA thought it was Mars

Your forehead is so big your entire face sits on your chin.

Your forehead is so big that your dreams are in IMAX.

Your forehead is so big that you could fit Santa’s sack on it.

Your forehead is so big that you wear a bed sheet for a bandana.

Your head is so big? Do you have to pay extra for a haircut?

Why did the blonde have makeup on her forehead? Someone told her to make up her mind.

What does a big-headed kid want to become when he grows up? Headmaster.

Your forehead is so big that if you had a stroke, it would look like a landslide gone wrong.

Your forehead is what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself.

Your forehead is so big it could carry all the passengers of the Titanic.

Big Head Jokes

In the multifaceted universe of humor, there exists a niche, or should we say a spacious clearing, dedicated solely to the delightful realm of Big Head jokes. The mere mention of ‘big headed jokes’ may elicit chuckles from those acquainted with this larger-than-life humor genre. Why? Because when it comes to comedy, sometimes size really does matter. Whether it’s jests about heads causing solar eclipses or cranial proportions that defy hat sizes, this comedic corner is consistently, and impressively, head and shoulders above the rest!

“Jokes about big heads” are more than just light-hearted jabs at expansive foreheads; they’re a celebration of everything magnified. The bigger the cranium, the more room there is for humor, right? These jokes encompass a broad spectrum, from the playfully self-deprecating—”Why did the guy with a big head never lose his keys? Because he had ample forehead space for reminders!”—to the exaggerated tales of someone needing two photo IDs because one just doesn’t capture the full face. While “jokes about a big head” may sound niche, their appeal is universal. Everyone knows someone with a generously sized noggin, and let’s be honest, there’s a certain pride in standing out in a crowd, even if it’s because you’re casting a sizable shadow.

Now, “jokes for big heads” are not just about size; they’re about embracing uniqueness, standing tall, and laughing loudest. The best part? They offer a reciprocal punchline. The next time someone dishes out a ‘big headed joke,’ the retort can be just as grand: “I’ve got a big head to store all my witty comebacks!” After all, with great head size comes great responsibility—and an even greater sense of humor.

As we navigate the vast expanse of “big head jokes,” we’re reminded of the joy in celebrating our quirks, differences, and, yes, dimensions. These jokes don’t merely poke fun; they amplify the humor that comes with being distinct. So, for everyone blessed with a majestic cranium or just those who appreciate the grandeur of such jests, remember: in the world of humor, having a big head isn’t just an advantage; it’s an art form!

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